Michael Sydney Jones
(1960–)8 horns
approx. 6’50”
For the Adelaide Horn Jam
Adelaide Horn Jam; June 3, 2017; Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Grainger Studio, Adelaide, South Australia
When I heard that a new horn ensemble had been formed in Adelaide called the Horn Jam, I was very inspired to explore some of the many possibilities obtainable with an ensemble of eight horns. The subtitle "Nor Music 7" refers to the fun I had as a Year 12 student participating in spontaneous jams involving three to five players, where each person stayed strictly with their own ostinato, in terms of key and tempo, against challenging ostinati brought in by the other players. The number seven here refers to the frequent use of crotchet septuplets over the span of 4/4 bars, typical of the spirit of the Year 12 jams. Before hearing of the Horn Jam, I had been reflecting on some of my previous orchestral works, noting a bias towards the trombones and trumpets as I am a retired trombone player. This piece was my chance to start a new lifelong habit of focusing more on horns!
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Works By This Composer
Octa Wolves (Nor Music 7) | Octa Wolves (Nor Music 7) | 2016 | 8 horns |