Work Listing

Fanfare for the Australian Broadcasting Company Radio Concerts


Alexander Grieve

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Additional Notes:

This work was performed by a horn ensemble conducted by the composer in a participant group recital on June 13, 1974, as part of the International Horn Society’s 6th Annual International Horn Workshop (now called the International Horn Symposium). It seems likely that this work was composed much earlier for use by the Melbourne Horn Club for its Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio concerts in around 1962. The use of the word “Company” in the title is therefore likely a typographical error in the program as the American Broadcasting Company shares the same acronym. However, the title has been preserved here as the 1974 program, published in the Autumn 1974 issue of The Horn Call, contains the only known record of this piece. The piece itself is likely lost.


Not available

Publication Details:


Works By This Composer

Fanfare for the Australian BroadFanfare for the Australian Broadcasting Company Radio ConcertsUnknownUnknown