Josh Rogan
(1990–)4 horns
approx. 12'00"
Commissioned by Georgia Ioakimidis-MacDougall
Geoff Lierse, Rob Shirley, Kara Hahn, Georgia Ioakimidis-MacDougall; 2014; Brass Composition Concert, Melbourne, Victoria
This work for horn quartet is in four movements: “Fragments”, “Breakdown”, “Reflection”, and “Interlude and Finale”. “Fragments” introduces the sound world of this piece and features different sounds 'bouncing around' each other to create different melodies and harmonies. “Breakdown” is an exciting rhythmic movement, where all four horns play independent lines which join to create a somewhat 'groovy' melody. “Reflection” portrays a more relaxed mood, wherein the timing is much freer. It begins with all horns stopped, and the listener is drawn along through the shifting harmonies by each note in the musical line. “Interlude and Finale” revisits the original 'bouncing sounds' idea, progresses to another rhythmically intricate and 'groovy' motif, and finally reaches a stable, sonorous melody that showcases the brilliance and majestic sound of all four horns together, giving a satisfying close to this unique work.
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Works By This Composer
Four Sketches | Four Sketches I. Fragments II. Breakdown III. Reflection IV. Interlude and Finale | 2013 | 4 horns |